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AdWords Marketing Tips - How to Make Fistfuls of Cash From AdWords, Starting Tonight

Is there a step-by-step guide on how to make money with AdWords? Perhaps, somewhere on the internet. Though you'd be better off just reading about other people's experiences and then learning from their mistakes. The simple truth is that there are as many ways to make money from AdWords as there are people on the internet. So what's the catch?

The key to success with AdWords, is of course the words used to describe a website or product. Not only do they have to appear interesting but they have to supply potential customers with the knowledge that what they need is available on your website. And to distill the information even further, research has shown that, in most cases, it is better to advertise a product located on your website, rather than the website itself. The logic here is apparent: sell people what they want.

But let's take it a little further to the practical side of things: you have a product/service that you believe people would buy but up until now you haven't had any results. The solution here is to either change the wording on your AdWords ad or to use another product instead. A rule of thumb here is to set both a time and a budget limit - if it doesn't sell within the first X days or weeks with a predetermined budget, then it probably won't sell any time soon. Doing things this way will not only ensure that you know what people want, but also that you make money with AdWords.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 59-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

AdWords Marketing Tips - 3 Golden Tips For Creating a Cash Spitting Robot With AdWords

Creating the effective AdWords campaign takes some careful planning in terms of strategy and cost. Below you will find three AdWords tips to help you in your quest for more traffic and ultimately, more sales.

1. Avoid Broad Matching

What is it? Well, simply put it is the use of general keywords. Take for instance the phrase "tennis racket" - your ad will appear when people either search for "tennis" or "racket" and in no particular order. Although this might appear to be an effective strategy to gain some exposure, you need to remember that people may be searching for "Tennis shoes" or "a racket" (as in noise). Not only will this not gain you very little traffic but if your ad is clicked on by someone with no interest in your product, then you've just wasted your money.

2. Make Use of Dynamic Titles

Quite a clever one this and free too! It simply means that instead of using your own titles for your AdWords ads, Google uses the search phrase entered by the web user as the title of your ad. Not bad in terms of exposure and sometimes even better than the search results. One thing you will have to do, however, is to ensure that the content of your website is entirely focused around your keyword to ensure that your visitors get what they come for.

3. Enhance Your Landing Page

Last but not least of the three AdWords tips simply requires you to optimize your landing page according to your AdWords ad. This means that if your AdWords ad is titled "Bio fuel Components", then your landing page has to be filled with info or products that deal with Bio fuel Components. Once again, doing this wrong will ensure that people only take one look at your website, and never return.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 59-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"


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